Generate and Print Duo Backup Codes
It is important to generate and print passcodes to have as backup in case you don’t have access to your primary device. If you don’t have a backup, you’ll be locked out of WVU systems. Get your backup codes BEFORE you need to use them and store them in a secure location, like your wallet.
If you plan on getting a new phone, make sure you generate backup codes before you get rid of your old device. If you don’t, you’ll have no way of authenticating and adding your new phone to your Duo account and you’ll have to call the Service Desk at 304-293-4444 for help.
How do I generate Duo backup codes?
Go to
Select Manage Account then select the DUO Two-Factor tab.
Click Get Codes.
Print the page of 10 codes. Each code can only be used once. If you run out, simply generate and print more.
How do I use my backup codes?
When you are prompted to authenticate with Duo, click Other options then Bypass code.
Enter a passcode from your list and click Log In. Once you've used a code, cross it out to separate it from your valid codes.