Procedures for Modifying an Unwanted Award Task (Child Award) in KC (Public)

There are situations where an award administrator, or other person modifying the award, might create a task and then later determine the task is no longer wanted. For example, a separate task is spun off for part of a project that is then reassigned to another unit or group before any funds are disbursed. 

In the KC system, documents are never deleted due to accountability concerns and unwanted tasks must be nullified instead. Follow the steps in this document to nullify a task. How you nullify a task depends on whether the task has already been approved or not.

Nullify a task that has not been approved

If a task is created and saved, but never submitted for approval, cancel the task via the Cancel button on the Award Actions panel. 

A task with a status of Canceled will not be included in any reporting or normal searches. With a status of Canceled, it is obvious to any observer/viewer that this particular task should not be considered to be a valid task.

Nullify an approved task

If a task has been submitted and approved, an administrator must modify the task to signal it is no longer needed and edit the Time and Money document so previously assigned funds aren’t included in reporting.

Follow the steps below to edit the task and update the Time and Money document:

  1. Select the task you want to nullify.

    KC displays your list of tasks to choose from.
  2. Click Edit.

    The edit button is located at the bottom of the KC task screen.
  3. Use the Explanatory Remarks to explain that the task is no longer needed. You can also change the task title in the Description field to reflect that it is no longer needed. Save the task.

  4. Navigate to the Time and Money document.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Click Add to create a transaction and transfer the funds out of the task. Include the following in the transaction:

    1. Add a note that the task is no longer needed in the Comments field.

    2. Enter the task’s award number in the Source Award field (e.g., 010101-00002). The award number is found in the award hierarchy section of the Time and Money document; the award number is different than the task number.

      Note: If the amounts in this task should be included within another task, you can transfer the amounts directly to the other task.

    3. Enter External for the Destination Award field.

    4. Enter the current amounts for the following fields: Current Direct Change, Current F&A Change, Anticipated Direct Change, and Anticipated F&A Change.

  7. Click Submit to finalize the Time and Money Document for routing.