Retiree Cards
Retired WVU faculty and staff are eligible for a Retiree card. This card acts similar to an Employee ID card and allows PRT access after employment has ended. Cards are only issued for one active role at a time, so employees must wait until their employment ends before getting a Retiree card.
If a retiree returns to WVU to work as a Mountaineer Temp, they are issued a new Temp card to replace their Retiree card.
How to get a Retiree card
Once your role changes to Retiree in the WVU card system, visit an ITS Service Center to have a Retiree card made. Bring your current Employee card to turn in and a driver's license for verification.
If you are unsure of your role or if you are eligible for a Retiree card, call the ITS Service Desk at 304-293-4444.
The Service Desk can determine eligibility for a Retiree card, but cards are only created at ITS Service Centers.