Applaud is modern, cloud-based software that works with the Mountaineer Administrative Processes (MAP) platform to give faculty, staff and student workers on all campuses a more intuitive way to complete many administrative tasks.
Review this article to find answers to some commonly asked questions about Applaud. Watch the Features in Applaud video to see features for employees and supervisors. Learn more about Applaud functionality and features in the Applaud article. For assistance with Applaud, contact the Shared Services Center 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday at 304-293-6006, by email at sharedservices@mail.wvu.edu, or by logging into the Salesforce Community platform.
What are some of the key differences between MyTime and Applaud?
All features and links currently available in the Employee view of the Portal will remain in place. And with its intuitive design, most employees will need little training to use Applaud. However, some business processes will change.
Applaud has a two-step Leave Request process. Employees must first select Save on a leave request, then click Submit.
Applaud indicates clocked hours and leave on a unified, color-coded calendar.
Leave requests that cross over midnight currently end at 11:59 p.m., which requires the submission of a second request. With Applaud, submissions can cross over midnight, and the need for a separate submission is eliminated.
Currently, employees may submit Leave Requests retroactively, for up to 12 months. In Applaud, submissions may only be made within the current or two previous pay periods.
A new electronic process will replace the paper form employees currently use to submit CTO.
Where do I find it?
You will get to Applaud the same way you do now, through links in portal.wvu.edu. You will need to use WVU's Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access the MAP-related services, as well as other secure systems.
Should the Portal be unavailable, you may also go directly to myhr.wvu.edu through your web browser. However, you cannot navigate from there back to the Portal.
Will my Mountaineer ID card photo be automatically uploaded to my profile?
No. ID card photographs are considered personal data under University privacy rules. However, you may upload a photo to your profile if you desire, similar to Microsoft Office 365. If you decide to upload a personal photo, keep in mind that it will be visible to all WVU employees, including student workers.
I'm a supervisor. How will this system help me?
Applaud has many benefits to supervisors. For starters, access to information about your team will be much easier. You can quickly see details for each employee, such as promotion history, etc. You also will be able to change a supervisor and have that change filter through the system automatically.
Supervisors also will get notifications within the app when employees submit leave. Employees no longer need to send you an email when submitting an email request.
Additional benefits for supervisors include:
The ability to see leave balances and requests for your entire team in one view;
Fewer clicks when editing time cards;
Quick, visual cues for timecards that have errors or are outside normal parameters for overtime;
The option to view the total number of hours worked and paid in each period more easily;
Notifications when an employee misses a time punch;
Notifications when an employee submits a leave request;
The ability to view and edit leave and time from an integrated team calendar;
The option to set anyone at WVU as a designee;
The ability to set multiple designees;
The option to set an out-of-office rule to send workflow notices to a temporary delegate
I'm not a supervisor. What's in it for me?
All employees can easily edit personal information to update emergency contacts, home address, phone number and personal email. You also can update your education and qualifications to include degrees, certifications and more, and add metadata tags to your profile to include skills, projects or interests. Those tags are searchable, as they are on LinkedIn, so you can find others at WVU with shared interests.
Applaud also lets you:
Clock in and out more easily;
See organizational charts for any WVU department, eliminating the need for this information to be posted on public websites;
Search for similar positions, titles or job classifications across the institution;
View your teammates’ approved time off for better planning and coordination;
Receive notifications when your leave requests are processed;
See your leave and time on one integrated calendar; and
Easily read content on a mobile device, eliminating tiny, hard-to-read text.
Who can see my Profile and the organizational chart I'm on?
Only people with a WVU Employee role in MAP, including student workers, have access to Applaud. Students without employee roles and the general public do not have access. Organizational charts are visible to all WVU employees.
Yes. Because organizational charts will automatically populate using MAP data, the information in Applaud will be the most current and most accurate. This should eliminate work for administrative staff who frequently redesign, replace and repost the documents. In cases where an employee has more than one supervisor (a dotted line), that connection will not be visible in Applaud as the secondary manager is not recorded in MAP.
This also eliminates a potential security risk. Publicly visible organizational charts provide a wealth of information for cybercriminals and help them target individuals with higher levels of visibility or access to information.
Can I use this tool from home?
Yes. For remote access to MAP and MAP-related services such as MyReports, Leave Request, Web Clock and Time Card, you will need to log in using WVU’s Virtual Private Network, as you do now.
Do I still have to use Duo two-factor authentication?
Yes. You will see the same screen you see now, so you will continue to enter your WVU Login credentials and confirm your identity with Duo.
Where can I see a demonstration or find some more information?
Most employees will not need training to use the new system, but detailed instructions for various tasks are stored in the Shared Services Knowledge Base. Go to wvusharedservices.wvu.edu, log in and authenticate, then type “Applaud” into the search bar. You can also reach the Shared Services application using portal.wvu.edu.
I'm a supervisor. How can I request training on Applaud?
Most employees will not need training to use the new system, but detailed instructions for various tasks are stored in the Shared Services Knowledge Base. Go to wvusharedservices.wvu.edu, log in and authenticate, then type 'Applaud' into the search bar. You can also reach the Shared Services application through portal.wvu.edu.
I see indicator buttons of red and green in Applaud, but it doesn't match my Outlook calendar. Why?
The color next to your name is associated with your regularly scheduled work hours – green if it’s your normal shift, red if it isn’t, or if you're on leave. You will show yellow if you have a pending leave request for the current time. The color has no connection to your Microsoft Outlook status.
My information is wrong in the system. Who do I contact?
Employees can add and change their personal address, phone numbers and personal email address(es) in Applaud. If you need assistance updating demographic information, contact the Shared Services Center 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday at 304-293-6006, by email at sharedservices@mail.wvu.edu, or by logging into the Salesforce Community platform.
Can I set up email notifications for time and leave requests in Applaud?
Yes. You can do that from within the hamburger menu (upper left corner) and choose Advanced Menu. From within the MAP menu, choose Preferences in the upper right corner. Scroll to the bottom and in the Notifications region. Be sure to select “HTML notification with attachments.” Then click the Apply button in the lower right corner.
Can my supervisor change my Personal Information in Applaud?
No. If you are an employee who cannot update that information yourself, please contact the Shared Services Center for assistance at 304-293-6006 or sharedservices@mail.wvu.edu.
It's important that full-time hourly workers' time entries add up to at least 37.5 hours per week. Will supervisors be able to see a total number of hours worked per week (not per pay period) in Applaud?
The existing reports for Hours worked per week and Hours worked per cycle will still be available within Applaud. (The current reports can be accessed using the MyTime Reports button on the portal.)