Each website may have one account per major area, which includes departments, centers, institutions, etc. with more than 100 pages of content, and up to three administrative full access editors. Requests need to be approved by the site’s primary contact before access will be granted. See below for a list of primary contacts.
https://health.wvu.edu - Tara Scatterday
https://health.wvu.edu/hub - Tara Scatterday
https://intranet.hsc.wvu.edu - Tara Scatterday
https://dentistry.wvu.edu - Sunshine Wiles-Gidley
https://medicine.wvu.edu - Cassie Thomas
https://nursing.wvu.edu - Wendy Holdren
https://pharmacy.wvu.edu - Christa Currey
https://publichealth.wvu.edu - Lindsay Wiles
https://wvucancer.org - Erica Longenecker
All others - Erin Bunner