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CS Gold, the Mountaineer ID Card system, sends alerts when someone's access to Interactive User Group (IUG) admininstrators when the access granted to a user is out of compliance with WVU Standards. Below are alerts you might see and their explanation.



Biometrics alert

Biometric access requires users to re-consent to WVU's Biometric Terms and Conditions every two years, otherwise



will be

is terminated. 

Patron group alert

A member of a patron group has card access on campus, but is no longer affiliated with WVU or had their ID card deactivated. This is required by WVU's Access Control Policy. 

Direct access alert

When card access to a location is assigned directly to an individual for longer than 30 days, the access will be terminated. This violates WVU's Physical Access Management Standard. 

No current Employee, Student, or Sponsored roles

The person is not currently affiliated with WVU. They have no current roles in Identity Management which would typically justify granting them access to a location on campus. This alert reason will ignore anyone with the contractor flag (60), since those are typically local patron accounts with their own expiration date and are not included in Identity Management as a sponsored account.

Prior Employee or Sponsored role ended; access may be related

The person no longer has an active Employee or Sponsored role, but still has some other current role (likely Student) in Identity Management. This will only alert on access that was assigned before the Employee or Sponsored role ended. This alert reason will ignore patron groups with “Student” or other similar key words in the title.

<Retiree | Emeritus> access must have an expiration date


The person does not have an Employee, Student, or Sponsored role in Identity Management, but is designated as Retiree or Emeritus status. This will only alert on access that is missing an expiration date.

ID card expired on <date>

The patron account expiration date is set in the past. This means the person’s patron group access is also expired regardless of the group’s expiration date.

ID card deactivated on <date>

The patron account termination date is set in the past, over 90* days ago. This value can only be set by a Gold Admin upon request by the authorities. This means the person’s patron group access is also inactive.

ID card deactivated


The patron account is set to inactive. This means the person’s patron group access is also inactive. This automatically occurs when a person is recorded as deceased in Identity Management.

ID card reported lost on <date>

The person’s ID card was reported lost over 180* days ago. This means the person’s patron group access is temporarily inactive until the card is found or a new card is issued.

ID card has never been issued

The person was never printed an ID card. This alert reason will only trigger on access that was assigned over 270* days ago.

*These timeframes may vary.
