With the upgrade in January 2021 2022 of Oracle software that controls Mountaineer Administrative Processes (MAP), all SQL scripts referencing a specific module schema (such as HR, GL, AP, WVUHR, WVUFIN) will need to be replaced with ‘APPS’. ITS-created scripts will be remediated by ITS. If you locate a script created by ITS that has not been remediated, submit an issue a MAP support ticket for the script to be remediated or call the ITS Service Desk at 304-293-4444 or 1 (877) 327-9260.
Current | After revisions |
select papf.full_name, papf.attribute2 WVUID, wp.doc_id,papf.attribute15, papf.email_address from wvuhr.WVUHR_PMTS wp, hr.pay_external_accounts ieba, hr.per_all_people_f papf | select papf.full_name, papf.attribute2 WVUID, wp.doc_id,papf.attribute15, papf.email_address from apps.WVUHR_PMTS wp, apps.pay_external_accounts ieba, apps.per_all_people_f papf |