*Please note that you may continue to work on draft technical/narrative proposal attachments up until 24 hours prior to the submission deadline.*
Office of Sponsored
Programs Procedures & Guidelines for Submission of Proposals for Extramural Support (PDF)
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Proposal Preparation
The Office of Sponsored Programs, in concert with Principal Investigators and the West Virginia University Research Corporation, is responsible for submitting proposals to funding agencies requesting support for research and other scholarly projects.
The proposal budget should be prepared as soon as the costs of achieving the proposed project goals can be accurately calculated. Budget development is often difficult because of the various components, policies, rates, and other factors that need to be taken into consideration.
Facilities and Administration and Fringe Benefit Rates
Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs (also known as “indirect costs" or “overhead costs”) are those University costs necessary for the performance of a project or activity which cannot be readily allocated to an individual project or activity.
Proposal Summary Sheet
Proposals should be submitted in complete and final form through <link to WRAP> WVU+kc at least five working days prior to an agency deadline. Routing is now automatically determined by the lead unit.
OMB Uniform Guidance
The Uniform Guidance (UG) simplifies and supersedes guidance that was previously contained in eight different OMB Circulars, including A-110, A-21, and A-133. Contained within the UG are new definitions, uniform administrative requirements (for both pre and post award management), cost principles, and audit requirements.
Any of various benefits, as free life or health insurance, paid holidays, a pension,
etc., received by an employee in addition to regular pay. WVU and its cognizant
agency U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, reach an agreement as
to the year fringe rate to be charged to benefit eligible employees.
KC Bluesheet (WVU+kc)
The offices of Sponsored Programs and Information Technology Services unveiled the KC Bluesheet (WVU+kc) system, January 15, 2016 to serve as a paperless routing and approval process for external funding proposal submissions. OSP requests that all proposals be submitted in complete and final form through KC Bluesheet at least FIVE WORKING DAYS PRIOR to an agency deadline.
No-Cost Extension
Many federal sponsors will permit the grantee to extend the final budget period of the project one time for a duration of up to 12 months beyond the original expiration date shown in the Notice of Grant Award (NGA) if no additional funds are required to be obligated by the awarding office, there will be no change in the project’s originally approved scope or objectives.