Versions Compared


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You may be attempting to register before their priority date. Refer to the the pre-registration timeline. Contact Office of the Registrar, Registration Unit at 304-293-5355 to make sure you are registering in the correct priority period.


This error indicates you already have a class scheduled at that time.
An error has occurred during the processing of your registration. Please try to submit it again.
This is an infrequent error related to the student's curriculum status. Contact the Office of the Registrar, Registration Unit at 304-293-5355 to have it corrected.

An error has occurred during the processing of your registration. Please try to submit again. 

This is an infrequent error related to the student's curriculum status. Contact the Office of the Registrar, Registration Unit at 304-293-5355 to have it corrected. 

Link Error

This error occurs because there is an associated lab with the chosen course. You must also register for the lab section. The course information will tell you what lab you need. Refer to the notes on the course catalog at or For questions or concerns, please contact the Office of the Registrar, Registration Unit at 304-293-5355.


The course is not available to you. (Ex: Undergraduates may not register for graduate level courses.)
DF Repeats
Refer to the Undergraduate (UG) Catalog or Call the Office of the Registrar, Registration Unit at 304-293-5355 and talk to the Academic History Unit for details.

DF Repeats 

Refer to the Undergraduate (UG) Catalog or Call the Office of the Registrar, Registration Unit at 304-293-5355 and talk to the Academic History Unit for details.


If you receive an error that says you are blocked, you can view the cause of the block by by logging into STAR and  and clicking on the the Student Services and Financial Aid menu menu, selecting Student  Student Records, and then then View Holds. For further questions, contact the Office the Office of the Registrar, Registration Unit at at 304-293-5355.

Student Status Prohibits Registration
