When a new award is created or a modification is made to an existing award, an award notification will be made available in WVU+kc. This award notice is known as a ‘green sheet’ at WVU and provides succinct information about an award, including multiple-task information, cost share details, regulatory compliance issues and any agency special conditions.
Watch a brief video about Viewing a Green Sheet in WVU+kc.
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Open the Award and Green Sheet
Log in to WVU+kc at kc.wvu.edu with your WVU Login username and password. You will see your Researcher Dashboard.
On the dashboard, select the All My Awards (or All My Active Awards) tab located in the Award section. In the Action column, click the page link (view this record) to open the award record.
- The
Click the Green Sheet
page will display as the default page for the Award document.tab to navigate to that page of the award document.
Click the Print button in the Print Award section. The Green Sheet will open in a new browser tab.
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You can also find the award (if it’s not visible on the dashboard) by selecting a search type from the menu.
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Only save or print a Green Sheet that does not have DRAFT on have DRAFT on the page. |
Project Personnel and Award Record Information section
Principal Investigator: The PI is the party responsible for conducting and overseeing the award. The PI’s department will be listed as the lead unit on the award.
OSP #: The OSP Reference number is the number assigned to the project by OSP and is used for tracking purposes. The number represents the year the initial project proposal was submitted and the sequential number the proposal was received by OSP. For example, an OSP number of 21-476 indicates that the proposal was the 476th proposal received in FY2021.
Version: The Version field indicates if this green sheet is a newer version of another, previously-issued green sheet.
Notice Date: The Notice Date indicates the date that the newest moneyed transaction has taken place on the award.
Dept: The lead unit of the PI, and the unit responsible for the award.
Hierarchy: Indicated the award hierarchy position of the green sheet you are viewing - whether it is for the main award from the sponsor, or for one task.
The Award is the original distribution from the sponsoring agency, and its Green Sheet displays information for all Tasks on that award.
Each Task represents an allocation of that award to different parts of the project at WVU, and the Task Green Sheet displays only the information for that task. More on award hierarchies.
Transaction Type: The Transaction Type indicates the most recent transaction that has taken place on the award. Transaction Types can include New, Non-Competing Renewals, and Increases. This type will remain the same until new money is received for the award. For more information see the Transaction Types quick reference guide.
Co-Investigators: Other investigators who might be conducting portions of the research or other project activities. Co-Investigators might be listed as the Principal Investigator on a Task that is part of the larger award.
Task Managers: Personnel on the award who are listed as contacts or other administrative roles for the tasks that are part of the award/project.
The green sheet footer provides information about policies related to sponsored research as well as contacts if you have any questions about your green sheet.
Due to confidentiality issues, only the people listed on an award will be able to view an award notice (PI, Co-PIs, task managers and SBAs). Additionally, deans, departmental chairpersons and Sponsored Research Accounting are granted rights to view awards.
All investigators, task managers, and SBAs on an award will receive an email from wvukc@mail.wvu.edu when an award has been established in WVU+kc informing them the award notification is available. View the award notification by clicking the link in the email notification or by following these instructions to view awards by logging directly into WVU+kc.