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If you experience an issue logging into Adobe Creative Cloud or receive an error message, try the troubleshooting steps below. If you are unable to resolve the issue, contact the ITS Service Desk.

Table of Contents


  1. Sign out of the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App.

  2. Click Go from the menu at the top of the screen.

  3. From the list, choose Go to folder.

  4. Copy and paste /Library/Application Support/ into the search box then click Go.

  5. Rename or copy/paste and delete the Adobe folder from Application Support (to back it up it in case of an error).

  6. Relaunch the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop application and log in. 


For access, the user needs to be licensed for Creative Cloud. A confirmed licensed user will appear in the AD group ACC-EntitleAllApps. Check the group and verify the user is listed in the group ACC-EntitleAllApps.

Unable to see Adobe Creative Cloud apps after installation
