FISMA: Federal Information Security Management Act
FO: Fill Out; a student task for filling out the Student Perception of Training (SPoT) survey.
FSD: Facilities Service Desk
GUI: Graphical User Interface
HCM: Human Capital Management; HCM consists of a core HR database, skills intelligence foundation, configuration tooling, process automation, workforce management, recruiting, talent, learning, benefits and more.
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
ITSM: IT Service management is a framework for planning, designing, delivering, operating and controlling IT services.
JAWS: Job Access With Speech is a screenreader tool for people with visual challenges.
JDK: Java Development Kit
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST 800-171 is the security standard to which WVU seeks to align.
NSC: National Student Clearinghouse is a service students use to confirm their enrollment at a college or university and get various discounts.
NSO: New Student Orientation
RTO: Recovery Time Objective is the maximum tolerable length of time that a computer, system, network or application can be down after a failure or disaster occurs
SailPoint: WVU's identity management system, known as WVU Login
SANSaaS: Software as a Service. SaaS allows users to connect to and use cloud-based apps over the Internet. Common examples are email, calendaring, and office tools (such as Microsoft Office 365).
SailPoint: WVU's identity management system, known as WVU Login
SAN: Storage Area Network, or high-end hard drives connected to the network that allow for shared storage between computers (used to house large data sets, high availability clusters and University critical data)
SLA: Service Level Agreement
SLI: Scheduling Listing Index (SLI) Coordinators are contacts in the colleges responsible for helping with class scheduling, rooms, faculty role assignments, and other tasks.
SME: Subject Matter Expert, an individual with in-depth knowledge of a system, process, etc.
SOLE: Study Observe Learn Engage is the learning management system used at the Health Sciences Center
SOW: Statement of work
SPOTSPoT: Student Perception of Teaching (SPoT) is the new name the Provost’s office has given what was previously called SEI (Student Evaluation of Instruction). Both instruments are in a platform called Blue, which WVU also uses for employee performance evaluations. SEI and SPoT collect student feedback for instructors’ promotion and tenure files.
STS: Secure Token Service is a component that supports authentication of services that use ADFS such as portal.wvu.edu, Microsoft 365 and Microsoft cloud platforms such as Azure Virtual Desktops
SVM: Subject View Management; an instructor task to manage the course (subject) for the Student Perception of Teaching (SPoT) survey.
SQL: Structured Query Language, or a special programming language for managing databases that allows a user to read and manipulate the data