Instructors can export attendance data and record Collaborate attendance. Learn how to export attendance data, record Collaborate attendance, and how attendance data is affected when you copy or export a course.
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Set up Attendance in eCampus
Before being able to export attendance data, you must set up attendance in eCampus.
In eCampus, navigate to the Control Panel and select Course Tools then Attendance.
If you want to add attendance to the Grade Center, select Add Attendance to open the Settings panel.
In the Settings panel, the instructor can alter the default settings for the Late attendance value and the grading scale for the overall grade. Present and Absent percentages cannot be altered at this time.
Present: Set at 100%. Instructors can't change the percentage at this time.
Late: Default is set at 50%. Instructors can adjust the percentage in the Settings panel.
Absent: Set at 0%. Instructors can't change the percentage at this time.
Excused: Counts as Present for scoring purposes. Instructors can choose whether to include Excused in calculations.
Export Attendance Data
In the Overall view, select the Export icon to download a CSV file with the students' student attendance records. The download begins will begin immediately without confirmation.
Attendance and Course Copy, Archive/Restore, and Export/Import