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The wvu-ad N:\ ITS file servers provide disk space for an individual or an office, often referred to as a J drive or N drive. The space is accessible from computers in the same way that any disk drive is. Files on the servers are backed up nightly.

The N Drive is a departmental drive designed to be shared between multiple users in a department. Users can only see the folders they have access to under the N:\ Drive . The N:\ drive is on their computer. N Drives are separated into 2 folders, " Common " and " Secure. " The "N:\ deptName\common" folder is Common folders are shared by an entire department, while the "N:\ deptName\secure" is for folders with Secure folders have more specific rights. Please note that granular rights are not assigned to subfolders of the " Common " folder. Folders that are not intended to be accessible by the entire department and require restricted rights must be moved under the " Secure " folder for that department.


Submit a Network Drive request

Use the Network Drives form to request


All access new space, change access to existing space, or report a problem with a network drive.

Access requests

Access requests must come from a supervisor and be approved by either the Dean/Director or a confirmed Approver. If a user requires access to another department's folder, that department's dean/director must approve the request.

  • Common Access Requests:

Submit a ticket that includes the folder name  

  • Common access requests: Include the folder name and path (location of


  • folder) in the request.

  • Secure Access Requests:


  • folder access requests: Specify the folder needed (ie N:\ deptname\secure\ShrFldr). If you are a supervisor, specify the rights the user requires (Read-Only or Read/Write). If rights are not specified, the user will receive read/write access. No rights will be given at the Secure level, a sub-folder of secure must be specified.

  • WVU Tech users requesting access to the Network Drives need to be processed by the WVU Tech group.

    Requests should be submitted by the supervisor. Create a ticket and assign it to the WVU Tech group. Be sure to include the drive and folder information.

Network drive changes

Requests for new or changed N drives must come from appropriately authorized individuals at the assistant director level or higher

J Drive issues

Those using the administrative network are usually granted J drives automatically. Any employee on the Morgantown campus without a J drive may request one.

General issues

Anyone may report a problem with a network drive.