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SOLE (Study Observe Learn Engage) is the WVU Health Sciences Center's portal for online education and information. View the SOLE FAQ for more information.

Table of Contents

SOLE access

All Health Sciences Center (HSC) employees and students are provisioned SOLE accounts. Students are automatically provisioned accounts when instructors add them to a course or they are manually created by request. Accounts are disabled after one year of inactivity in SOLE , and then deleted a year after being disabled.

Log into SOLE at and enter the credentials for your institution.:

Account requests

Use the SOLE Account Request (who can submit these?) and Integrated Tools Support form to request an account for (examples of who might need an account created? Other scenarios where an account is needed?) or to re-enable a disabled account. If you need to request multiple accounts, please attach an Excel sheet to the form with the following information for each account: Full Name, Email, Department/Degree Program, and Graduation Year if available.

SOLE guides and training

Visit SOLE Portal Documentation for information about using SOLE, course features, assessment tools and more. Training videos are also available on the SOLE YouTube channel.

SOLE course and site administrators can register for training sessions and course certificates through the SOLE Events and Workshops page.

SOLE support

Use the SOLE and Integrated Tools Support Request form for instructional design, application development, and general help requests.

Do we want to include a phone number for HSC Help Desk?

Panopto (separate article)

Panopto is a lecture capture tool integrated with SOLE. A Panopto access request must be submitted and approved before Panopto is enabled for your SOLE course or site.

Submit a Panopto support request for help with moving media, editing, claiming guest videos, or request training and other general assitance.

Additional resources

Info for tech only pages:

ALL HSC faculty and staff are automatically provisioned SOLE accounts once they have been added to WVU Active Directory as part of their on-boarding process.

All HSC students are issued SOLE accounts as part of their school orientation process. If a student is taking an HSC course, their account may not be provisioned until the student has been added to the course in SOLE.