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Please review the information below before submitting a request.

Table of Contents

How are Azure subscription costs determined and billed? 


WVU licenses Microsoft software, including access to Azure, through an Enterprise Agreement (EA). The EA offers built in savings on Azure charges. WVU receives one bill monthly for all Azure charges. ITS Software Licensing Information Center (SLIC) will send you an order confirmation for your portion.

Use the Azure Pricing Calculator to estimate the cost for Azure products. Discuss your project with ITS Cloud and Virtualization Services.


How do I request an Azure subscription? 

  1. Visit the Azure Subscription Request page and click Submit a Ticket. You may be prompted to sign in with your WVU Login credentialsthe Azure Subscription Request page.

    1. Provide the information required in the boxes with the red asterisks (*) next to them.

    2. Add any additional information, if needed.

    3. Review the Sensitive Data Practices and Storage FAQ article the /wiki/spaces/ITS/pages/303693880 article and then select either Yes, if your data is sensitive, or No, if it is not.

    4. Read the Azure Subscription Agreement thoroughly and then select Yes to agree.

    5. Click Request.

  2. Information Security Services (ISS) will review the request with the technical contact listed. Once Information Security Services approves, the request is sent to Cloud and Virtualization Services to be processed. 

  3. Software Licensing Information Center (SLIC) will contact you for funding information if it was not provided in the initial ticket request.

  4. You will be notified when your Azure access is ready.
