Most WVU Extension Service County Offices should contact Dell directly for hardware support Extension Service Dell desktops and laptops are purchased with Dell’s 4-year ProSupport warranty with next-day on-site service. Most laptops have additional accidental damage coverage. Please contact the Extension Service Office of Technology before contacting Dell for any warranty work. This is to make sure that the issue can be solved as quickly as possible with as little hassle as possible.
If the Extension Office of Technology confirms that you should contact Dell directly, you can call Dell’s ProSupport at 1-866-516-3115.
How do I know if my computer is under warranty?
There are two ways to determine if your computer is under warranty:
Look for the identifying label on the computer with the warranty expiration, Service Tag and Dell contact information.
You can easily check the warranty status of your Dell computer using Dell’s Warranty & Contracts page.