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To protect organizational email data on mobile devices, Information Technology Services (ITS), Student Financial Services, Payroll, and IT staff for other WVU departments and colleges have protection policies ensuring WVU mailboxes are only accessible through the Outlook app or Outlook Web Access (OWA).

To access WVU email on your personal phone, you will have to use the Outlook Mobile application on iOS or Android, install an authenticator app, and set up a PIN and/or biometric identifier. You will be prompted to enter the PIN or biometric identifier after 15 minutes of inactivity.


Note: WVU Microsoft 365 email and calendars cannot be accessed in the native mail/calendar apps after these policies are applied to those in the program. Use the Outlook app or OWA on mobile devices to view email and calendars. This method is the least intrusive option for protecting University data on personal mobile devices. 
