WVU Information Technology Services (ITS) provides Office Microsoft 365 Outlook email users with the ability to send and receive encrypted email. This is primarily intended for emails to parties outside of WVU who request additional encryption.
Encrypted email messages can be sent to anyone, regardless of the recipient’s email address.
Special certificates are not required, as the recipient’s email address acts as the public key.
Subsequent email threads in each message are encrypted.
Recipients don’t need an Office Microsoft 365 account to view encrypted messages or to send encrypted replies.
With an appropriate app (an OME viewer), encrypted messages can be viewed on mobile iOS and Android devices.
This form of encryption is appropriate for communicating confidential information through Office Microsoft 365. It is not, however, compatible with certificate-based encryption that an outside (i.e., non-Office Microsoft 365) party might use to communicate with you.
If you have an iPhone, iPad or an Android device and you have received a message encrypted with Office Microsoft 365 Message Encryption, you can use the free OME View app to view the message and send an encrypted reply.