Log into Portal.wvu.edu, then click the Schedule Builder button to open the application.
Click the checkboxes to select the campus (or campuses) where you would like to enroll for classes.
Click Save and Continue to go to schedule builder.
Add Courses
On the Build Schedule page, you will see the selected status, campuses, and term you have selected, an area to add Courses and Breaks to your desired schedule, and your existing current schedule (courses for which you have already enrolled).
Click Add Course to begin searching.
On the Add Courses page, select a tab at the top to choose which criteria to use to search for courses:
Subject - choose a subject, and course.
DegreeWorks - import courses from a plan in DegreeWorks.
Course Attribute - choose courses with certain objectives or designations (like STEM).
Instructor - search for a specific instructor by name.
Section Attribute - choose sections with certain objectives or designations.
CRN - search for courses by the Course Registration Number.
When you’ve located a course you’d like to register for, click Add Course. It will appear in the Desired Courses list on the right side.
Make sure that all of your desired courses and breaks are selected in the Courses and Breaks sections of the Build Schedule page by clicking the Select All check-box.
Click Generate Schedules in the Schedules section of the page.
The number of available schedule combinations will be displayed in a green bar, and the list of possible schedules will populate below.
If conflicts are detected, a message will tell you which items are in conflict and suggest ways to remove the conflict.
Click the View link to see any of the potential schedules in detail.
On the Potential Schedule page, review the days and locations, weeks of the semester, and calendar view for the selected potential schedule.
Note that for the Morgantown campuses, the building abbreviation code will include a letter to designate Downtown, Evansdale, or Health Sciences campus (e.g., OGH-D = Oglebay Hall - Downtown).
Click Back at the top of the potential schedule page to view other potential schedules.
Compare Potential Schedules
You can see a side-by-side comparison of the potential schedules by selecting the check-boxes next to two or more of the generated schedules.
A side-by-side preview of the calendar views of the selected schedules will appear in a new pane.
Mouse-over course blocks to see the course name.
Click the Open button below any schedule to go to the detail view for that potential schedule.
“Locking” a Course
When viewing details for a potential schedule, you can lock in a preferred section of a course. Locking a course directs Schedule Builder to build the remaining schedule around any locked courses. It does not actually register you for that section.
After you have generated some possible schedules, click the View link next to a potential schedule.
In the list of courses near the top, click the padlock icon to lock a selected course you want to make sure to keep in your schedule.
Locking a course will limit the possible schedules available.
You may unlock the course (remove the requirement to include it) by clicking the padlock icon again.
Click the Back button in the upper left corner to see the potential schedules built around the locked class.
Registering for Your Selected Schedule
In the Schedules section of the Build Schedule page, choose the potential schedule that works best for you. Click View to see the details of that schedule.
Lock all courses in the potential schedule.
Click the Send to Shopping Cart button at the top of the page. Schedule Builder will save your cart.
In the Shopping Cart, click the Register button.