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Respondus®️ LockDown Browser is a custom browser that prevents student access during tests to other applications including messaging, screen-sharing, virtual machines, and remote desktops.

How LockDown Browser works when a student takes a test:

  • Tests are displayed full-screen and cannot be minimized

  • Browser menu and toolbar options are removed, except for Back, Forward, Refresh, and Stop

  • Printing and screen capture functions are disabled

  • Copying and pasting anything to or from a test is prevented

  • Right-click menu options, function keys, keyboard shortcuts, and task switching are disabled

  • A test cannot be exited until the student submits it for grading

  • Tests that are set up for use with LockDown Browser cannot be accessed with other browsers.

How to set up test with Respondus®️ LockDown Browser

  1. Create a test.

    1. Click the plus symbol in the Course Content tab (you can also create a test within a folder or module).

    2. Click Create.

    3. Scroll to the Assessment area and choose Test.

    4. Name the test.

    5. In the Content & Settings region, click the plus symbol.

    6. Add questions.

  2. After adding all questions, click the gear icon to choose settings.

    Settings gear icon displayed
  3. Scroll to the Assessment Security region and choose Respondus LockDown Browser.

    LockDown Browser shown in menu
  4. Click the inverted caret to the left of the test name.

    Name of test within list of assessments
  5. Click Settings.

    Settings menu choice highlighted
  6. Click Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.

  7. Click Advanced Settings.

  8. Check any optional settings.

  9. Click Save & Close.
