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Blackboard Anthology Help: Grading - Grade Student Submissions

Grading Type One

Table of Contents

Grades from eCampus Navigation

On the Grades tab of the main eCampus navigation page, you’ll see all of your courses. Any courses where you are an instructor will show a list of gradable items, with the status of each. Click the ‘number to grade’ link to begin grading submissions for that item.


Clicking the item in the Grades page list will take you to the Gradebook list of submissions for this item. The Submissions list is actually built into the assignment or test - as a tab at the top of the item itself. You can access the submissions to be graded from anywhere you can open the item - content area, gradebook, or Grades navigation list.


The Submissions list shows all enrolled students, the status of their submission for this assignment, the grading status, the actual grade, and the posting status of the grade. When you need to grade a submitted assignment, the Grading Status column will show, 1 attempt to grade. Click on the link to review and grade the submission.


Grading Essay or Complex Answer Test Questions

For an essay type question on a quiz or test, clicking the 1 attempt to grade link will open the student’s quiz paper, with any auto-graded questions (multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, etc.) displaying a score already. A feedback panel on the right allows you to provide notes the student will see when the grade is posted. Questions that require manual grading will not have a grade yet.
