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eCampus feature Class Collaborate Ultra allows instructors to record sessions for courses.


Allow twice the length of the recording time for processing and rendering time.

How to record in eCampus

  1. Login to eCampus.

  2. Select the desired course.

  3. Open the course menu.

  4. Click Class Collaborate Ultra.

  5. Open the Sessions menu,

  6. Click Start Recording. The recording camera will appear on screen with a red dot while recording is in progress.

  7. If you are sharing a file, allow 8 seconds for the recording to include the shared file before moving on.

  8. To finish recording, open the Session menu and click Stop Recording.

What’s included in recordings?


  • What is said or viewed in a breakout room isn't captured in recordings.

  • Content shared in a breakout group is not available when breakout groups end. Consider suggesting attendees record their collaboration in some way if needed. Example: A screen capture of anything they have shared and collaborated on.

  • If no one is left in the Main room the recording will stop.

How to locate recordings

  1. Login to eCampus.

  2. Select the desired course.

  3. Open the course menu.

  4. Click Class Collaborate Ultra.

  5. Open the Sessions menu.

  6. Click Recordings.

How to download recordings and transcripts

Instructors must allow session recording downloads for each session.

  1. Open the session's Session Settings.

  2. Check the box Allow recording downloads. Any recording made in this session can be downloaded while downloads are allowed.

You can download recordings and transcripts from the recording player Recording menu.

  1. Open the Recording menu, near the top left of the page.

  2. Select one of the options:

    • Download Recording.

    • Download (CC) Caption transcripts

    • Download Chat transcripts.