If you would like to report a correction for this list, please submit an ITS request.
Applied Human Sciences
Kimberly Mocniak (kimberly.mocniak@mail.wvu.edu)
Arts and Sciences
Brian Meredith (DM_ECAS@mail.wvu.edu)
Business and Economics, College of
Virginia Kleist (virginia.kleist@mail.Len Hancock (lhancoc1@mail.wvu.edu)
Creative Arts, College of
Theresa Rhodes (theresa.rhodes@mail.wvu.edu)
Davis College
Mark Aronhalt (mark.aronhalt@mail.wvu.edu)
Dentistry, School of
Cindy Shockey (akshockey@hsc.wvu.edu)
Eberly College
Brian Meredith (DM_ECAS@mail.wvu.edu)
Education and Human Services, College of
Bethany Ackley (Bethany.Ackley@mailEngineering
Rick Pritt (rick.pritt@mail.wvu.edu)
Kimberly Mocniak (Kimberly.Mocniak@mail.wvu.edu)
Extension Service
Cindy Fitch (cfitch@wvu.edu)
Ron Davis (ron.davis@mail.wvu.edu)
Law, College of
Shine Tu (shine.tu@mailCassie Caplan (cassie.caplan@mail.wvu.edu)
Jessica Vanderhoff (jessica.vanderhoff@mail.wvu.edu)
Medicine, School of
Clinical: Cassie Chase - Clinical (cstacy@hsc.wvu.edu)
Mary Veselicky - Basic Sciences (mveselic@hsc: Rachel Weaver (rachel.weaver1@hsc.wvu.edu)
Professional Programs: Julie Peasak - Professional Programs (jpeasak@hsc.wvu.edu)
Nursing, School of
Ashley Tasker (ashley.tasker@hsc.wvu.edu)
Pharmacy, School of
Mary Stamatakis (mstamatakis@hsc.wvu.edu)
Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, College of
Cathie Falvey (cfalvey@wvu.edu)
Potomac State College
Phil Douthitt (pddouthitt@mail.wvu.edu)
Public Health, School of
Robert Duval (robert.duval@mail.wvu.edu)
Reed College of Media
Valerie Burgess (valerie.burgess@mail.wvu.edu)
Statler College of Engineering
Rick Pritt (rick.pritt@mail.wvu.edu)
WVU Tech
Vanessa Williams (vmwilliams@mailAmy Webb (amy.webb@mail.wvu.edu)