Info |
Students, faculty and staff cannot use personal Zoom account credentials to access their WVU Zoom account, even if their personal account uses a WVU email address. Users must sign out of their personal account and log back in using their WVU Zoom account. If you experience issues signing out of a personal account, try clearing your browser cache. |
How to set up a Zoom account
Go to wvu.zoom.us.
Sign in with your WVU Login credentials.
Info |
HSC uses their own Zoom system in order to be HIPAA compliant. If you are an HSC student, faculty or staff member, submit the MDTV (Mountaineer Doctor Television) Zoom form to request an account or support. |
How to access your Zoom account
Open the WVU Zoom Web Portal through your web browser.
Click Sign-In.
Click on the Zoom desktop icon.
Choose Sign in with SSO on the right-hand side.
You will be prompted to enter your company domain. Type WVU.
Click Continue. A WVU log in screen will open.
Enter your WVU Credentials and complete the DUO two-factor authentication.