Versions Compared


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Blackboard vendor has not provided a workaround or a target future release.

“Goal Set: This value is required and must be provided to continue” Error When Running Course Performance Report


When trying to run the Course Performance report an error is thrown indicating "Goal Set: This value is required and must be provided to continue."


The error message occurs because there is not a goal aligned with content or user data to process the report.

Third-Party Grade Center Columns in eCampus Cannot Be Deleted


Orphaned third-party columns occur when instructors delete an assignment folder without first deleting the specific third-party assignment contained in the folder, particularly courses copied from a previous semester. Orphaned columns cannot be removed from the grade center.


When third-party assignments (e.g., Turnitin) are copied from a previous semester, there are three options to delete the corresponding column:

  1. Third-Party Assignment Still in an eCampus Course: If the instructor has not yet deleted the Turnitin assignment in a copied course, they need to open the assignment before deleting it otherwise, it will not delete the corresponding column in the Grade Center.

  2. Third-Party Assignment Deleted from eCampus Course: If the instructor has deleted the Turnitin assignment, they cannot delete the corresponding column from the Grade Center. But, you can hide the grade column from the instructors' and students' view

  3. Third-Party Assignment Deleted from eCampus Course: Submit a ticket to ITS, and they will work with the eCampus vendor (Blackboard) to delete the columns.