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eCampus 101 is an introductory guide designed to help you become familiar with how to begin setting up your first course from scratch. This guide walks through the steps to add and manage content, customize your layout, create tests or assessments, interact with the grade book, and use various course tools including the Collaborate online meeting tool. Click through the content sections below to learn more about the topics that interest you, or join us for a live training session during scheduled events.


  • Getting Started with eCampus Training Sessions: the ITS Training group holds virtual training sessions for eCampus at the beginning of each semester. Visit the WVU Events Calendar page to see when classes are available, or keep an eye on your email for eCampus training sessions.

    • You may also contact ITS Training to request one-on-one training, customized group trainings, or in-person training. We will design our content to meet your needs.

  • Blackboard tutorials: View Blackboard's video tutorials

  • ITS Help Center: You will find a list of all eCampus for Faculty articles in our help center.

eCampus 101 Topics

About eCampus


On the main WVU eCampus page, you will find a menu to help you navigate to useful tools and locate your courses. Learn more about theeCampus Ultra navigation menus.

📺 See a video demonstration of eCampus Ultra Navigation.


In the upper right corner of the screen, you will see the Edit Mode option. As the instructor, edit mode will automatically be on when you enter the course. With edit mode on, you will see small chevrons and Xs X's and arrows at the corners of content items. This enables you to add content, drag-and-drop to rearrange items, and make any changes to the course. When edit mode is off, you will not see the editing indicators. Click the button to toggle edit mode on or off. While building the course, it is recommended that you work with edit mode turned on.


  1. Begin by clicking the Assessments menu in a course content page or learning module.

  2. Choose Assignment.

  3. Provide a Name (title) for the assignment. You can also choose a Color for the title by clicking the drop-down.

  4. In the Instructions text box, give the students instructions on the details of this assignment. You can type directly into the box, or copy/paste from an existing document. Use the many editing tool buttons to format the text, add links, images, formulas, or video content.

  5. Assignment Files: If you wish to attach a file to go with this assignment, either drag and drop the file into the dotted line, or use the buttons to browse for a file from your computer or eCampus content collection.

    1. You will see the attached file appear below the files area.

  6. Click the calendar to set a Due Date for the assignment. eCampus automatically chooses a time of 11:59 pm (the end of the calendar day). You may set a different time if desired.

    1. The due date will be visible to students on the course calendar, and in their To Do list on the eCampus institution page. Assignments turned in after the selected due date will be marked as late in the Grade Center.

  7. In the Grading section, assign the number of Points Possible for this assignment. This will be the total points available for the assignment in the Grade Center column.

  8. Choose other grading options:

    1. Under Submission Details, choose whether the assignment will be submitted as an individual or group project, and the Number of Attempts a student is permitted for this assignment.

    2. Under Grading Options, choose whether student names will be visible to the grader, and whether grading of this assignment will be delegated to another grader (for instance a graduate teaching assistant). If you enable delegation, you will be able to choose a grader and assign them a set of submissions to grade. The course instructor will still need to reconcile the scores for this assignment after an assistant has graded them.

    3. Expand Display of Grades to choose how the grade for this assignment will display in the grade center and My Grades student view.

      1. For the Primary display (in My Grades and the Grade Center), and the Secondary display (which will appear in the Grade Center only), For each view, you can choose whether the grade will appear as a numerical score, a letter grade, a text value, a percentage, or simply complete or incomplete.

      2. You may then select whether this assignment will be Included in Grade Center calculations (totals columns, or other calculated columns). Un-check the box if you do not want this assignment included.

      3. Do you want to this grade to Show to students in MyGradesMy Grades? By default, students will be able to see this assignment in their My Grades view - you can un-check the box to hide the grade from the student view.

      4. Do you want to Show Statistics (average and median grades) for this assignment to students in My Grades? Check the box to allow them to compare their grade to the rest of the class.

    4. In the Availability section, make sure the Make the Assignment Available box is checked to allow students to see the assignment. It will be visible by default, but you can also Limit Availability to a range of dates, if you wish. You can also check the box to select to Track the Number of Views to see how many students have clicked on the assignment.

  9. Click Submit to create the assignment and place it in the content area or learning module. If you have set date/time restrictions, or un-checked the available box, students will not see the new item yet.


Deploy a Test

After creating a test in eCampus, it lives in the Tests, Surveys, and Pools area of your course. To make it available to students, you must deploy the test to a content area where they can see it. During this step, you will also set some parameters for how and when it will display, what access restrictions will be applied, how the grade will display, and what feedback students will see (and when).

Example: Deploy a Test
  1. Navigate to the content area in your course where students will take the test.

  2. Under the Assessments menu, click Test.

  3. From the Create Test page, you can either create a new test, or Add an Existing Test. The list will display any tests in the Tests, Surveys, and Pools area of your course that are not already deployed.

  4. Click on the test name from the Select Test Below list.

  5. Click Submit to edit the Test Options that will determine how students see this test.

  6. On the Test Options page, make sure that the test Name and Content Link Description are correct.

  7. Select the checkboxes to choose whether you want to show test description to students before they begin or show instructions to students before they begin.

  8. In the Test Availability section, choose:

    1. Whether to Make available to students. You must select Yes here for students to see and access the test. You might want to leave it not available if you are still setting things up, but you must come back and change this option.

    2. Whether to Add a new announcement for this test. Selecting Yes will send an announcement to students with a link to the test via the eCampus Announcements tool.

    3. Whether students will get Multiple Attempts at completing this test. If selected, you can allow unlimited attempts, or only a certain number…and if selected, which score should be counted by the Grade Center.

    4. Whether to Force Completion. When selected, students must complete the test in one sitting; they cannot stop the test and resume later.

    5. Whether to Set a Timer for this test. You can designate a limited amount of time in which to complete the test, and if so, will the test auto-submit when time expires.

    6. Dates and times when the test will Display (after/until) on the page where students can see it. The default will be to make it available now (when you submit) and to remain available. You can set a date and time for the test to become available to students and disappear from their view.

    7. Whether to set a Password for access to the test.

    8. Whether to Restrict Location by IP address. This option is used primarily for tests that must be taken in a WVU computer lab.

  9. Circumstances or individual educational needs may require that some students receive exemption or exceptions to the availability requirements above. In the Test Availability Exceptions section, you can add individual users or groups you’ve created in this course who will receive different availability limits.

  10. Select a Due Date for the test. If the test is still available after this date, any submissions will be marked Late, unless you check the box to not allow students to start the test if the due date has passed.

  11. Under Self-Assessment Options, the default selection is to Include this test in Grade Center score calculations. You can also choose to Hide results from the instructor and Grade Center, but this option cannot be reversed without deleting prior attempts.

  12. In the Show Test Results and Feedback to Students section, you’ll select when and how much feedback will be shown to students. A tiered approach allows for students to see some details about how they did on the test as soon as they submit, and other details later (after the due date, or after grading is complete).

  13. Finally, select the style of Test Presentation. Should questions appear all at once (scroll down the page to see all questions), or one at a time (one question on the page, click next to proceed) - and whether to prohibit backtracking to already-submitted questions. You can also select a checkbox to Randomize Questions on this test.

  14. When all test options are set, click Submit to deploy the test to the content area. It will be visible on the page to the instructor, and will be visible to students depending on the availability options you chose. If
    you selected to send an announcement, it will go out at this time.

Adaptive Release

Adaptive Release and Tools

eCampus allows the instructor to restrict or permit access to tests or assignments selectively. You can find the adaptive release options by clicking on the deployed test or assignment. Click the drop-down next to a deployed test or assignment in your course to find the Adaptive Release options. Adaptive Release provides options similar to those on the Item creation and Test Options forms, you can set a range of Dates when this item will be available.


An assignment or test can also be restricted based on grades or review status of an eCampus item. If a student must complete a prior assignment with a satisfactory grade before moving on to the next one, or if you want to grant extra credit only to students who received a low score on a quiz, you can set those options in the Grade section. Choose a Grade Center column to use as the determining factor, then set the conditions which permit access. In the Review Status section, you can require that the student has reviewed a particular document or reading before they are permitted access to this assignment or test. Click Browse to choose an item from this course.Adaptive Release and Tools

Respondus 4.0


You will find all of the eCampus course tools in the Course Management area of the instructor Control Panel. There are many tools available … more general stuff about Course Toolsfrom Blackboard’s built in tools, WVU’s internally developed tools, and those provided by third-party publishers.



Collaborate Ultra

ITS Collaborate Ultra for Instructors | Blackboard Help: Collaborate Ultra

Blackboard’s Collaborate Ultra is a complete classroom video conferencing tool that provides the ability to hold real-time synchronous classes, office hours, meetings, or to record lectures and class meetings for future viewing. It is available in all WVU eCampus courses. Use Collaborate Ultra to share many types of notes and presentation materials such as Power Point or other lecture notes, a white board for drawing or typing notes, audio and text chat options, and sharing your computer screen or files.


Packages and Utilities

Exporting and Importing Course Packages

e-Campus allows instructors to keep a complete copy of all course content using the Export/Archive tool to back up your course. The Import tool permits you to upload an entire course worth of content at one go - if you have an archived course you wish to use. You can also import a default set of content areas provided by the eCampus team to help you get started with a new course.


ITS eCampus Support Template

TLC’s Teaching & Learning Commons eCampus Template

Copy Content
