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You can change your preferred first and last names at


If your preferred name is automatically approved, it should appear in the systems that can accept it within eight hours. If a manual review is required, the process will generally take 1-3 business days. You will receive an email once the name is approved, and it will appear in WVU systems within eight hours of that notification

Can I choose any preferred name I want? 

Most likely. All preferred name submissions will be compared against multiple, multi-cultural databases with tens of thousands of names and nicknames, including those recognized by the U.S. Social Security Administration. If the name you choose is recognized, you’ll see an automatic approval on the screen. 

Only names that are not recognized by any of those databases will be reviewed by ITS, and only those considered inappropriate, offensive or in violation of the [POLICY] will be rejected. Based on historical preferred name requests, ITS expects these denials to be extremely rare

How does WVU determine whether a preferred name is automatically accepted?  
