Degree Works is accessible to currently enrolled degree-seeking students and faculty advisors or staff advisors who have been assigned an advisor role in Banner.
For more information, faculty and advisors may contact the Office of the Registrar at 304-293-5355. Students should contact their advisor to discuss any questions related to their degree audit.
Training documents for Degree Works are available through our
Degree Works Training Materials article.
Access Degree Works as a student
Only faculty/advisors with the advisor role in Banner have access to Degree Works. Please have your department/college check to see if you are coded as an advisor in Banner on the SIAINST form. If you are not listed as an advisor and should be, visit the Office of the University Registrar's website to download the Faculty & Advisor Role Update form. Once the form has been completed with the appropriate approvals and submitted to the Office of the University Registrar, the role will be updated. If you have previously been listed as an advisor, you may become inactive and will need to submit the form to update your role.
If you receive "Access Denied... you do not have permission to this service," try the following:
Go to login.wvu.edu and click Check Account Status. Enter your Login credentials and click Login. If you are unable to log in,
claim your Login account if you have not done so already. If you have claimed your account, try changing your password or resetting your account at login.wvu.edu.Go to star.wvu.edu and confirm you can access the STAR system. If you cannot log into STAR, contact the ITS Service Desk at 304-293-4444. If your Login credentials and STAR access are both fine and you are a student, contact the Office of the Registrar at 304-293-5355.
If you have an issue accessing Degree Works, make sure you do not have a %, +, or $ sign in your password. If you do have one of these characters in your password, change your Login password.
If you receive an "Error 500" or "Student [WVUID number] Not Found" message, contact the Office of the Registrar at 304-293-5355.
If you are an honors student and cannot see the Honors Block, contact the Honors College at 304-293-2100 or honors@mail.wvu.edu.
If you have questions regarding the Degree Works system, contact the Office of the Registrar at 304-293-5355.