With the upgrade in January 2021 of Oracle software that controls Mountaineer Administrative Processes (MAP), all SQL scripts referencing a specific module schema (such as HR, GL, AP, WVUHR, WVUFIN) will need to be replaced with ‘APPS’. ITS-created scripts will be remediated by ITS. If you locate a script created by ITS that has not been remediated, submit an issue for the script to be remediated.
The example below shows the changes that you will need to make.
Current | After revisions |
select papf.full_name, papf.attribute2 WVUID, wp.doc_id,papf.attribute15, papf.email_address from wvuhr.WVUHR_PMTS wp, hr.pay_external_accounts ieba, hr.per_all_people_f papf | select papf. |
full_name, papf.attribute2 WVUID, wp.doc_id,papf.attribute15, papf.email_address from apps.WVUHR_PMTS wp, apps.pay_external_accounts ieba, apps.per_all_people_f papf |