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WVU's eCommerce site is now using TouchNet Marketplace as the new eCommerce tool at West Virginia University. WVU's eCommerce site is a self-contained e-commerce solution, combining online storefronts with inventory control, order fulfillment, and financial reporting. Implementation of the new eCommerce tool is being coordinated by Shared Services, Finance, and ITS. Migrations began with several pilot groups on August 30, 2021. 

Table of Contents

Preparing for the move

What will be the process for getting a store in the new WVU eCommerce software? 


  1. If you have more than one store, decide if you would like to combine them or keep them separate.

  2. Mark old products that will not be needed again as “hidden” so they do not get recreated in the new store. You can hide a single category or an entire category to hide all its products. (View the article on hiding a category for more information.)

  3. If you plan to offer a former event again in the future, mark the product’s visibility and its category as public. Alternatively, manually copy the product information into a document for reference during product creation in the new store.

  4. Download images and digital goods from AbleCommerce that are desired in Marketplace; images and digital goods do not migrate during the new store creation. To download images in AbleCommerce:

    1. From the Manage menu, choose Images and Assets.

    2. Click images, one by one.

    3. As each image appears in the File Details region, right-click the image and choose "Save As."

  5. Determine what product categories you will need in the new eCommerce site such as “clothing," “conferences”, and “virtual training” by reviewing your existing store catalog. Store managers will not be able to create their own categories in the new eCommerce site; the eCommerce administrators will create categories when the store is created; additional categories can be requested later via submission of a service request ticket.


No. As part of the move, each store manager will complete the TouchNet Marketplace TouchNet Marketplace Request Form to to request access for their team as needed for the various roles.  


Will the GL account set up for my existing store be automatically set up in the new eCommerce tool?

Yes. On the TouchNet Marketplace the TouchNet Marketplace Request Form, you specify what you will specify what GL string you want to use as the default for the store. All imported products and newly created products will use that GL string. 

The new system has the option of having more than one GL string per store. Once your store is set up, you can decide if you wish to be more granular with GL strings and request additional ones be created by submitting the TouchNet Marketplace Request Form   intake form and choosing "Updating Existing" and then "Update Items Sold and Funding Information."

Once Finance creates the GL string and associated detail code, the eCommerce administrator will add the detail code as an option to choose within your store. Note that you will need to update each product within your store with the new detail code as desired.  


What do I need to do to get a new store? 


No. Store Managers must use the TouchNet uCommerce tool to the TouchNet eCommerce tool to manage and maintain their store. TouchNet uCommerce requires a local login with its own two-factor authentication. See instructions on setting up your TouchNet multi-factor authentication login account.  WVU has requested that TouchNet integrate with WVU Login in the long term, but it is currently unavailable. 
