Versions Compared


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Instructors and course builders can export and import their course's content into course packages. The export package option also provides a way for instructors/builders to download and save the course package file to their computers.  The default course template ZIP file can be found here:

View file
nameDefault Course

To export packages

  1. Login to eCampus.

  2. Select the course that contains the desired content.

  3. Scroll down to Control Panel, near the lower-left corner.

  4. Click Packages and Utilities, then click Export/Archive Course.

  5. The Export/Archive screen will open. This page will display any existing course packages.

  6. Click Export Package.

  7. The Export Course screen will open.

  8. Scroll down to the File Attachments area.

  9. Check to ensure the "Copy links and include copies of the files in the course default directory" and "Copy links and include copies of the files outside of the course default directory" options are selected.

  10. Scroll down to the Select Course Materials area.

  11. Users may choose specific elements to include or click Select All. To avoid errors and missing content, it is recommended to use the Select All option.

  12. Click Submit to begin the exporting process.

  13. A yellow banner will appear at the top of the screen stating the export package has begun, an email will be sent out once completed.

  14. After the course package has been exported, return to the Export/Archive Course Page.

  15. Click the course package file to save and download the file to the computer.
