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These instructions show you how to complete the Internal Transfer form to transfer funds within the same bank account or to pay another WVU internal department for goods and services.



  • View a detailed PDF guide showing how to complete an Internal Transfer form.

  • View the PCPS webpage.

  • Email for assistance. 

View file
nameinternal transfer.pdf


  1. Access Mountaineer Marketplace.

  2. On the Mountaineer Marketplace home page > PCPS Automated Forms, click the Internal Transfer form.

  3. Choose the SupplierIn the lower right corner of the landing page, click the icon for Paying an Invoice.

  4. Click the icon for Internal Transfer

  5. In the supplier field, choose the supplier who will be paid for the good/service provided.

  6. After you select the supplier, the Remit to address information populates.

  7. Complete all bold fields. Non-bold fields are optional.

    • Product Description: Description of the internal transfer request.

    • Goods Recd Date: The date you received the goods or services. If no Goods Recd Date, enter the date you are submitting the form.

    • Grant?: Select 'Yes' only if any of the account accounts you are requesting the transfer to or from is a grant. You may update this later, if necessary.

  8. Enter the full account number of the account being credited.

  9. To submit your form, choose Add Item and Close Form in the Available Actions region. It will become a shopping cart.
    Note: To continue completing the same form but for a different internal transfer, in the Available Actions region in the upper right corner, choose Save to Cart and Add Another Item. Complete another Direct Payment form for a different payment.

  10. After submitting, a shopping cart is created for this form. You may choose Assign Cart or Proceed to Checkout:

    1. Assign the Cart

      This is a means of collaborating with another employee on a purchase before submitting the requisition for approvals.

    2. Proceed to Checkout

      1. Identify a shipping address.

      2. Optionally, enter the accountthe account(s) that will pay for the purchase.

      3. Optionally, add  add a comment to comment to the approver and/or the buyer.

      4. Click Submit Requisition or Assign Cart.

        1. Submit Requisition: Your shopping cart becomes a requisition and will automatically route for electronic approvals based on WVU compliance rules. You can view the routing path in the PR Approvals tab in the Checkout screen. 

        2. Assign Cart

          : This This is a means of collaborating with another employee on a purchase before submitting the requisition for approvals.need new link (link was broken)