If after reviewing this information your problem persists, submit a ticket to raise a request below to the ITS Service Desk for assistance. It may be helpful to include the specific information from the email that indicated your post was rejected in the description of your ticket.
You will need to consider the information listed below before requesting a new LISTSERV. Once you have determined which options are best suited for your LISTSERV, visit the Mailing List Requests service page to submit your requestto submit a request, see the raise a request feature at the bottom of this page.
List name
The name should be brief and descriptive of the organization or associated topic. The name should only contain "WVU" if it involves recipients outside of the university and it should also provide enough detail to be easily discernable from other lists. Use abbreviations when possible and keep in mind that your name cannot contain spaces, only underscores or dashes.
Good example: HRE_MA_STUDENTS (uses abbreviations and is descriptive)
Bad example: STUDENT_MAILING_LIST (does not indicate topic or purpose of list)List description
The description should be one or two sentences that give a basic overview of the purpose of the list.Role assignments
A name and email address is required for anyone being assigned a role. At least one non-quiet owner is required. View the “What roles are associated with lists?” section of this FAQ for more information.Will the list be moderated?
While many lists are not moderated, you have the option to assign a moderator role which will require all messages to receive approval before being released to subscribers.Where will replies be sent?
You may specify whether a reply will be addressed to the entire list or to the individual who posted the message.Should an archive of the list be kept?
While most lists are not archived, it is possible to have the system keep a copy of all list postings. This can sometimes be useful for reference or if a newer subscriber wishes to look at the postings that occurred prior to their joining.List visibility
Determine whether to allow anyone browsing the LISTSERV system to see the name of the list. Most lists are not set to be visible.Who can review the subscriber list?
Determine who has the ability to potentially view the list of all subscribers. This is generally set to owners, but may be set to include all subscribers as well.Subscribers
The list can be pre-populated with an initial list of intended subscribers at the time it is requested. If you wish to have this done, please attach a file to your request with a list of email address and corresponding names. Place entries one to a line with the email addresses followed by a blank space and then their actual name.
Example of two subscriber entries:
gpomegra@fruit.org Grover Pomegranate
sstudent@mix.wvu.edu Sally Student
You can use the Bulk function to add multiple subscribers. Before starting, you will need to create a text document file (.txt) and store it on your local hard drive. This file will contain one subscriber per line, and each line will have their e-mail address, followed by a space, and then their name. The names are not required , but can be helpful for future subscriber editing.
Go to listserv.wvu.edu and log in.
While in the List Management Dashboard, choose the list from the drop-down menu that you want to manage.
Click on the List Management menu and choose Subscriber Management.
Select the Bulk Operations tab.
With the Add option selected, click Choose File and select the file you created and stored on your hard drive.
Click the Import button.
Owners of LISTSERV lists have the ability to add or remove owners by following the directions below. If changes are needed to a list and the list owners are no longer part of WVU, please submit a ticket for please raise a request below for assistance.
Go to listserv.wvu.edu and log in.
While in the List Management Dashboard, choose the list from the drop-down list of lists that you manage.
Click on the List Management menu, select List Configuration, and then choose List Configuration Wizard.
Click the List Maintenance tab, scroll down to the Owner= area, and add or remove owners as needed. To change Moderators, Editors, etc., make the needed changes in the appropriate fields on this page.
Note: Be sure to have one person per line, with their email address first, followed by a space, and then their name. For example, glee@mail.wvu.edu Geddy Lee
Click the Save button when your changes are complete.