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The N Drive is a departmental drive designed to be shared between multiple users in a department. Users can only see the folders they have access to under the N:\ Drive on their computer. N Drives are separated into 2 folders, Common and Secure. Common folders are shared by an entire department, while Secure folders have more specific rights. Please note that granular rights are not assigned to subfolders of the Common folder. Folders that are not intended to be accessible by the entire department and require restricted rights must be moved under the Secure folder for that department.

Submit a Network Drive request

Use the Network Drives form to request new space, change access to existing space, or report a problem with a network drive.

Access requests

Access requests must come from a supervisor and be approved by either the Dean/Director or a confirmed Approver. 

  • Common access requests: Include the folder name and path (location of folder) in the request.

  • Secure folder access requests: Specify the folder needed (ie N:\ deptname\secure\ShrFldr). If you are a supervisor, specify the rights the user requires (Read-Only or Read/Write). If rights are not specified, the user will receive read/write access. No rights will be given at the Secure level, a sub-folder of secure must be specified.

Network drive changes

Requests for new or changed N drives must come from appropriately authorized individuals at the assistant director level or higher

J Drive issues

Those using the administrative network are usually granted J drives automatically. Any employee on the Morgantown campus without a J drive may request one.

General issues

Anyone may report a problem with a network drive.
