If using State funds, click the Internal Transfer automated form; if using grant funds, click the Transfer between Bank Accounts automated form.
If using State funds, choose WVU Student Life as the Supplier; if using grant funds, choose Choose West Virginia University as the Supplier.
In the Product Description, specify the details of your event and that you are transferring money to pay for special cards that will be used by your participants.
Enter the current date if it asks for an Invoice Date or Goods Recd Date.
If using the Transfer between Bank Accounts form, indicate Yes when it asks if the transfer involves a grant.
If using the Internal Transfer form, enter the Card Services credit funding and the total Amount to be transferred for the special cards (11.778060010778060008.1130011211100458.4203902.404 and Amount). 778060008.11100458
Click Go to Add Item and Close Form.
Open the shopping cart, enter your charge to funding and submit the requisition.