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To help protect the integrity of WVU systems and data and reduce the risk of a security incident, all employees on all campuses are now required to complete annual cybersecurity awareness training. The WVU Board of Governors approved requiring annual security training early in 2024 and the Information Security Policy now includes this annual requirement. Training is developed and provided by the Information Technology Service Privacy, Governance, Risk, & Compliance (“ITSPGRC”ITSPGRC) team.

Table of Contents


The cybersecurity training in Infosec IQ is different from the training previously provided in SOLE, so everyone enrolled in Infosec IQ will need to complete it, regardless of when you last took similar training in SOLE. The SOLE cybersecurity course was made inactive on October 2, 2024, and all future security training will occur in Infosec IQ. If you receive notifications from SOLE related to cybersecurity training, please contact the ITS Service Desk by submitting a ticket through the IT Help Center,

I’m a student and received an email that I need to take training, but I no longer work for any department at WVU.


Employees on medical leave are not required to complete cybersecurity awareness training. Supervisors should contact ITS PGRC team at or by submitting a ticket through the IT Help Center, the ITS Service Desk to inform them of employees who may need their training deferred until they are back in the office.


If you didn’t receive an enrollment email and think that you should have, please contact ITS PGRC team at or by submitting a ticket through the IT Help Center, ITS Service Desk.

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