This is an introductory guide to help you set up your first course from scratch in the new Ultra version of eCampus. This guide walks through the steps to add and manage content, customize your layout, create tests or assessments, interact with the gradebook, and use various course tools including the Collaborate online meeting tool. Read through the content sections below to learn more about the topics that interest you, or join us for a live training session during scheduled events.
Getting Started with eCampus Ultra Training Sessions: the ITS Training group holds virtual training sessions for eCampus at the beginning of each semester. Visit the WVU Events Calendar page to see when classes are available or keep an eye on your email for eCampus training sessions.
eCampus ULTRA faculty will be invited to attend a special training session before the start of the semester.You may also contact ITS Training to request one-on-one training, customized group trainings, or in-person training. We will design our content to meet your needs.
ITS Help Center: You will find a list of all eCampus Ultra for Faculty articles in our help center.
Blackboard Help: View Blackboard Anthology’s video tutorials or review the Blackboard Help guides.
Roster - a grid of tiles (or list) showing who’s in the course. Students can also see this list.
You can filter by category by clicking the course members dropdown in the upper right.
Click the ellipses to the right of a student’s name to note any accommodations.
Course Groups – create and manage groups (for assignments, discussions, grading) for this course.
Progress Tracking – turn on progress tracking to use participatory grading for items in the course.
Course Image – Click Edit display settings to change the image that displays on the course list grid for this course.
Click the slider in the Course Image options panel to also use the image as a course banner at the top of the Content page.
Class Collaborate – join the default meeting room or click ellipsis to schedule, edit, access recordings, etc.
Attendance – Click Add Attendance to track attendance (graded or not)
Books & Tools – click View course & institution tools to see a menu of other tools you can use in your course.
Tools with a plus can be added as a Tool Link on the content page.
Scroll to the bottom of the list to click a link to Browse all course tools.
Question Banks – Click Manage banks to build or import pools of questions for use in assessments.
Course Schedule – When you first set up a new course, an option to set the course schedule appears at the bottom. Click Add course schedule to set your class' meeting schedule in eCampus. Click Skip if you don’t wish to do this; you can always add it later in the Calendar settings.
Click the plus + sign in the center of the Course Content area. Place the item inside a learning module, or in-between other assignments if desired.
Click Create to open the Create Item panel.
In the Assessment section, click Assignment. A new assignment page will open.
Give the assignment a Name in the field at the top.
Click the Plus + in the center content area to add questions, instructions, or documents.
Choose Add text to type or paste in instructions for the assignment.
In the text box, enter the instructions and details about the assignment. Use formatting, tables, links, attachments, etc. to describe what you want them to do.
Click to Save the text content. You’ll now see that text on the assignment page. Click the plus above or below the text section to add other content to the assignment.
There are a number of settings you can choose related to access, submission, and grading. Click the Assignment Settings Gear or one of the provided links to:
Choose a due date and set late submission and collection options.
Choose whether to allow class conversations so that students can converse with each other and the instructor about mechanics of the assignment.
Opt to collect student submissions for this assignment offline.
Set presentation options (for eCampus question types only) that will show only one question at a time, prohibit backtracking, or randomize questions, answers, or pages.
Make this a formative assessment for graded participation in this class, that will not be excluded from grade calculations.
Choose grading & submission options like the grade category, number of attempts, points/letter/percentage grading, number of points available, and grader options. Also set whether this assignment will be automatically posted for student view as soon as it’s graded.
Choose which assessment results are visible (for eCampus question types only) after a student submits this assignment.
Select assessment security options that can require an access code to begin the assessment or the use of Respondus LockDown browser (which ensures no other applications are open).
Implement additional tools such as setting Time Limits, including a Grading Rubric, aligning the assignment with goals & standards, or assigning this item by groups.
At the bottom of the settings for an assessment you will find a text box to enter a description. Enter a brief sentence or so to tell the students about this assignment.
Now choose when you’d like this assignment to be visible to students and any other release conditions.
At the top of the assignment page, click the drop-down that will default to “Hidden from students.”
If you want students to see this assignment immediately, click Visible to students.
If you want to wait, and make this visible later, leave the Hidden from students setting.
If you want access to this assignment to be restricted to a certain date range or certain students, click Release conditions.
Close (X in the left corner) the new assignment to see it has been added to the content page.
Blackboard Anthology Help: Discussions
WVU ITS Help: Discussions in eCampus Ultra
Create a Discussion for General Questions
Gradable Items shows a list of all assignments, tests, and graded items (discussions).
View the Item name and the number of students who have submitted their work, the item’s Due Date, Grading Status, and Post status.
Click any graded item in this list to see and edit all students’ scores for that item.
Close (X) the item page to go back to the Gradable Items list.
Students shows a list of all students in the course and their Overall Grade.
View the students' Full Name, Student ID, eCampus Username, their Last Access date, and their Overall Grade for the course. You can search for a student by name, ID, or username in the field at the top.
Click on a student row to view their grades for each assessment as well as links to a report on student activity in the course, notes on any accommodations, and to send a message to this student.
For the selected student, you’ll see a list of all assessments with the Status of their submission and their Grade on each assessment, and any Feedback you’ve provided.
Click the ellipsis (…) to Add or Edit Exemptions for each item (for this student only).
ℹ️ WVU ITS Help: Accommodations, Exemptions, ExceptionsClose (X) the student grades page to return to the list view of the main Gradebook.
Rows display students: Columns display assessments (or calculated grades).
Click the Grade Now link in a cell to view student submissions and enter a grade. Or click in any cell with an existing grade to edit/change a grade. Just type a new value.
Filter the data in the gradebook multiple ways:
Search for a student or assessment in the search box at the top of the page.
Click the Filter button to choose which Students, Groups, Gradable Items, or Categories to display.
Click Clear All to remove all filters.
Click any Student Name to see the same student grades page that you can access from the students list view above.
view their grades for each assessment as well as links to a report on student activity in the course, notes on any accommodations, and to send a message to this student.
For the selected student, you’ll see a list of all assessments with the Status of their submission and their Grade on each assessment, and any Feedback you’ve provided.
Click the ellipsis (…) to Add or Edit Exemptions for each item (for this student only).
Close (X) the student grades page to return to the list view of the main Gradebook.