To simplify and improve customer support for proposals, awards, agreements and general questions about research administration, the Office of Sponsored Programs will begin using Salesforce on August 1st. A single email to will create a case for you automatically. The new case management system will immediately replace the Status Inquiry and Prioritization Request forms. Please use the button below to contact us for assistance and inquires.
New OSP Proposal Procedures Document
Submit a proposal Update with WRAP Link
Locate the current fringe benefits rate is for the UniversityLinks to F&A. Still need?
Locate the proposal summary sheetDo we still need this?
Determine the difference between a Sub-Award and a Vendor for my proposal assistance
Learn more about Workspace Do we still need this?
The Office of Sponsored Programs, in concert with Principal Investigators and the West Virginia University Research Corporation, is responsible for submitting proposals to funding agencies requesting support for research and other scholarly projects.
The proposal budget should be prepared as soon as the costs of achieving the proposed project goals can be accurately calculated. Budget development is often difficult because of the various components, policies, rates, and other factors that need to be taken into consideration.
Proposals should be submitted in complete and final form through <link to WRAP> at least five working days prior to an agency deadline. Routing is now automatically determined by the lead unit.
OMB Uniform Guidance
The Uniform Guidance (UG) simplifies and supersedes guidance that was previously contained in eight different OMB Circulars, including A-110, A-21, and A-133. Contained within the UG are new definitions, uniform administrative requirements (for both pre and post award management), cost principles, and audit requirements.