Program director / Principal investigator / Project lead / Fellow: This field contains the name chosen on the previous page. If needed, attach a Biosketch under Question 1b. Upload an Other Support documentation only if mandated by the funding opportunity.
*Responsible department / division / institute: Please specify the department or program responsible for handling the proposal or award. By default, it will be the department of the Principal Investigator (PI), but you might need to change it if necessary. The organization selected here gets mapped to the SF424.
Project personnel: Add other institutional key, non-key or other significant contributor personnel and add non-institutional key personnel who are considered Senior/Key Persons for the project.
Administrative Personnel: Enter the administrative contact in Question 4a. In 4b select team members that have edit rights. The persons selected can both view and edit the funding proposal. You may enter any additional contacts in 4b who can view the funding proposal but cannot edit it.
To retrieve a specific Federal opportunity on the Submission Information page, under Type a package ID, opportunity ID or CFDA number, type values in one or more of the four search criteria fields, and click Find.
*Application submission deadline: Enter the sponsor’s deadline date. If the sponsor does not have a formal deadline date, enter a target date. The internal submission deadline (which precedes the Sponsor’s deadline) appears on the Funding Proposal workspace.
Date response expected from sponsor.
Date project starts: This date is automatically populated based on the information provided in the General Proposal Information form.
Date project ends: This field is populated automatically according to the number of budget periods specified in field 7. Add or remove budget periods and/or modify budget period durations to modify the end date.
Project length (years): This will depend on the number of budget periods used.
Effort metric: Months are the default value; however, percentage can be updated. This property establishes whether the salary details included in the Project Budget will be calculated based on Months or percentage.
Effort metric is the unit used to enter effort and salary requested values in the budget: either months or percentage. The Effort metric question lets you override the system's default effort metric, or toggle the effort metric later in proposal development if necessary.