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Windows 11 is the most recent operating system offered by Microsoft. WVU computers will be upgraded to Windows 11 in phases , and your college, group, or department will be notified when your computers will receive the upgrade is available to you. WVU Information Technology Services (ITS) will be the first to receive the upgrade, with the intention to have all WVU computers upgraded in Fall 2022.

Table of Contents

What is changing?

Most changes are meant to optimize your screen space for productivity. To explore all the differences between Windows 10 and 11, visit Microsoft’s Compare Windows page and select the Windows 10 vs. 11 tab. . You’ll be prompted to restart your computer to complete the upgrade to Windows 11.

View the Windows 11 Features page to learn more about the upgraded features and how to use these updatesthem.

How do I install Windows 11?


Windows 11


When do I need to do this?

You will receive a notification once the computer is ready to restart after installing the update. You will have a three-week deadline to restart your computer and finish the installation. If you do not manually update and restart within 21 days, your computer will automatically do so. 

Please note that there is a delay between when the Windows 11 upgrade is made available in Intune and when the device sees the upgrade. This delay is usually 2-4 hours. To avoid any issues, ITS suggests beginning the upgrade process at the end of your workday.

What will happen to my files during the upgrade?

With this upgrade, we are also turning on Known Folder Redirection, which redirects Documents, Desktop and Pictures folders on your local machine to OneDrive. Synching these files consumes bandwidth, so if you have large volumes of data in these folders, you may want to upgrade at the end of your workday. If your access to this content breaks view the Known Folder Redirect Issues page for troubleshooting instructions.

My taskbar moved to the center of my screen during the update, how do I put it back?

To move the taskbar back to the left, simply right-click an empty spot on the taskbar, click Taskbar settings, expand the panel that is titled Taskbar behaviors, and click the Taskbar alignment section. There you will select between left or center. Once you click the option you choose, the changes will automatically be applied.

What if I have an older computer?  


upgrade support

Upgrade issues

If you don’t receive the Windows 11 upgrade, or encounter any issues during the upgrade, contact your deskside support for assistance.

Broken file paths

Developers who use git, bit bucket, or other versioning tools that rely on specific folder paths may need to update file paths after the Windows 11 upgrade. Known Folder Redirection will be turned on for Morgantown campus users, which redirects the Documents, Desktop, and Pictures folders from your local machine to OneDrive. Follow the steps in the Known Folder Redirect Issues page to update these file paths.